Pork Belly Bacon Unleashed: Discover the Secrets to Crispy, Flavorful Perfection

how to cook bacon like pork belly

How to Cook Bacon Like Pork Belly: A Comprehensive Guide


Pork belly and bacon are both delicious cuts of meat, but they have distinct differences in flavor and texture. Pork belly is known for its rich, fatty flavor and tender, melt-in-your-mouth texture. On the other hand, bacon is leaner and has a more crispy, smoky flavor. But what if you could combine the best of both worlds and cook bacon like pork belly? With the right technique, you can achieve a crispy, flavorful bacon that still retains the tender, juicy texture of pork belly. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the steps on how to cook bacon like pork belly, ensuring a perfect balance of flavors and textures.

Preparing the Bacon

  1. Selecting the Right Bacon:
  • Choose a thick-cut bacon with good marbling. This will ensure a tender and flavorful bacon.
  1. Curing the Bacon:
  • If using store-bought bacon, skip this step. However, if you want to make your own bacon from scratch, you can cure it using a mixture of salt, sugar, and spices.
  1. Smoking the Bacon:
  • This step is optional but highly recommended. Smoking the bacon adds an extra layer of flavor and aroma. You can use a smoker or a stovetop smoker for this purpose.

Cooking the Bacon

  1. Preheating the Oven:
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  1. Preparing the Baking Sheet:
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper for easy cleanup.
  1. Laying Out the Bacon:
  • Arrange the bacon strips in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet, leaving some space between each strip.
  1. Baking the Bacon:
  • Bake the bacon for 15-20 minutes, or until it reaches your desired level of crispness.
  1. Flipping the Bacon:
  • Halfway through the cooking time, flip the bacon strips to ensure even cooking.

Pan-Frying the Bacon

  1. Heating the Pan:
  • Heat a large skillet over medium-low heat.
  1. Adding the Bacon:
  • Add the bacon strips to the skillet and cook for 8-10 minutes per side, or until the bacon is crispy and cooked through.
  1. Draining the Bacon:
  • Transfer the cooked bacon to a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess grease.
  1. Cooling the Bacon:
  • Allow the bacon to cool slightly before serving.

Tips for Cooking Bacon Like Pork Belly

  • Use high-quality bacon with good marbling.
  • Cure the bacon yourself for a more customized flavor.
  • Smoke the bacon for an extra layer of flavor and aroma.
  • Bake the bacon in the oven for a crispy yet tender texture.
  • Pan-fry the bacon if you prefer a more traditional crispy bacon.

Benefits of Cooking Bacon Like Pork Belly

  • Combines the best of both worlds, offering a crispy, flavorful bacon with a tender, juicy texture.
  • Versatile and can be enjoyed on its own, as a side dish, or as an ingredient in various recipes.
  • A great way to elevate your breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


Cooking bacon like pork belly is a technique that allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds – the crispy, smoky flavor of bacon and the tender, melt-in-your-mouth texture of pork belly. With the tips and methods provided in this guide, you can elevate your bacon cooking skills and impress your family and friends with this delicious and unique dish.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the difference between bacon and pork belly?
  • Bacon is made from the belly of a pig, while pork belly is the entire belly of a pig. Bacon is cured, smoked, and then sliced, while pork belly is usually cooked whole.
  1. Can I use regular bacon to make bacon like pork belly?
  • Yes, you can use regular bacon. However, selecting a thick-cut bacon with good marbling will yield the best results.
  1. Is it necessary to cure the bacon before cooking it?
  • Curing the bacon is not necessary, but it will add an extra layer of flavor and depth. You can either cure the bacon yourself or buy store-bought cured bacon.
  1. Can I cook bacon like pork belly in a skillet?
  • Yes, you can cook bacon like pork belly in a skillet. However, you will need to adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure that the bacon cooks through and becomes crispy.
  1. What are some ways to serve bacon like pork belly?
  • You can serve bacon like pork belly on its own as a snack or appetizer. It can also be used as a side dish or an ingredient in various recipes, such as sandwiches, salads, and pasta dishes.
